hsbMake | Elementview client
The elementview application is a powerful application to show an element in different ways.
To add an elementview application you need to go to Applications and select the Elementview application.

The elementview application can be divided into 2 different parts. 1 is the type section where the different types of entities can be chosen. 2 is the settings section, here you can set different things like the visibility of the chosen entity.

1. Choose entity type
2. Set visibility settings for chosen entity
Different entity types can be chosen at the type section, but there are also General settings for each Elementview application separately.

In the content settings section for the general settings different things can be set:
A – Rotation of the element. How do you want the element to be shown?
B – Show Material List. Show the material list at the bottom or left side of the screen.
C – Show single wall numbers. Show wall numbers if the element is of type Wall.
D – Show top view. Show the section of the element at the top of the view. Optionally reverse it.
E – Show side view. Show the section of the element at the side of the view. Optionally reverse it.
F – Background color. Set the background color for this elementview.
G – Show only for zone. Show the elementview filtered on zone.
H – Show information. Information tags filled in here show the comments belonging to that tag. See 5.1 Using comments in the ElementView client.
I – Render. Choose the visibility type. Wireframe, Solid, 3dSolid.
J – Use experimental features. Testing with new features in the client.
K – Line Thickness. Set the general line thickness. This can be overruled in the different entity settings.

A – Show frame dimensions. Choose whether the dimensions should be shown starting from the frame of the element. If this is unchecked the dimensions only are shown regarding the entities which have dimensions set up.

Show frame dimensions
Dimension lines on the base of the entire element with element length/ width totals.

Do not show frame dimensions
Dimension lines only for the entities. after the last entity it stops. e.g. no total element length is shown.
B – Vertical and horizontal datum. This sets the 0 point of the element dimensions. From where should the dimension line start.
C – Units. Choose whether the units should be in mm, cm, m, feet, inch, truss.
D – Font size. Choose the size of the dimensions.
E – Text colour. Choose the desired text color of the dimensions.
F – Line thickness. Choose the desired line thickness of the dimensions.
G – Extension lines. Choose whether the extension lines need to be limited. If the dimension lines are not limited additionally you can give in an Origin offset from the entity it is dimensioning.