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Revit® | Plugins in the Framing style editor

This document will explain the different plugins we have in the Revit® Framing style editor.

List of all the Plugins for the Revit® Framing style editor.

Add tools from beam extrusion profile Add tools from beam extrusion profile.
Adjust beam section Adjust the beam section to match one of a predefined set of sections. For a matching width the height is adjusted.
Adjust Element Tool Depth Applies an adjustment to the depth of element milling and drilling tools.
Adjust milling in Weinmann W12 File Adjust the milling in Weinmann W12 File when the width is close to the predefined width.
Align Beams Beams get aligned, to be position on the machine by specifying their orientation in the exporter. E.g. PosZ/PosX
Align Beams with Element Will change beam coordinate system to keep beam orientation consistency in an element.
Apply Contour CNC Lines Applies saw or milling lines on the grip-based contour of the specified zones.
Apply Saw/Mill Lines Applies saw or mill operations at the edges of the specified zones.
Apply Service Holes Apply a service hole to the center of the vertical beams.
Attach Beams to Walls Attach entities (family elements) to a wall through an entity container (families container).
Beam or Sheet Analyse Filter Filters beams or sheets based on the Analyse.
Beam Filter Allows Beams to included or excluded from the project.
Beam has Tools Filters beams if there are any other tools than two straight end cuts added to the beam.
Beam Straight Made all beams straight, selection of beams is based on beamcodes.
Beam to fixed length Optimized beam to a given length.
Beam Tool Filter Filters beams based on their tools.
Break Nail Lines Using No Nail Areas Break nail lines based on no nail areas.
Change SawLine Depth Set a new depth for Element saw lines within a certain length range and a certain depth range.
Combine Collinear Naillines Will join nailine that are collinear.
Combine Plates Combines all plates into a single beam. To combine only the actual top and bottom plates use the Join Plates extension.
Convert Angle Nailines to Short Straight Segements Will create short naillines where nailines are at an angle.
Convert Beams into Sheets Convert beams into sheets.
Convert Sawlines into Milling Lines Converts element Sawlines from a specific zone into Milling lines.
Convert Sheets into Beams Convert Sheets into beams.
Create Modules Creates new modules of touching beams or adds touching beams to existent modules. Plates and blockings are excluded.
Create Pocket Creates a pocket around a structural member.
Create Sheathing Contours For Element Applies saw or milling lines on the grip based contour of the specified zones.
Create Sheet Creates a sheet in the specified zone. The outline of the frame is used as the shape.
Create Simple Sheathing Contours For Element Applies milling lines on the grip based contour of the specified zone.
Cut Element Beams In Negative X Will cut beams that are all or in part in negative x of the element origine.
Element nailing Creates nail lines for an element.
Element Sheathing Simplifier Will simplify sheathing for easier interpretation by a machine making the rectangular and justified to an edge.
Entity Query Filter Allows entities from different types to be included or excluded from the project.
Even nail line spacing Evens the spacing for nail lines containing two points.
Even nail line spacing Evens the spacing for nail lines containing two points.
Extend Plates Extends plates to the extents of the framework of an element.
Extend Tilelaths Extending tilelaths to element width for Weinmann tilelath module. Nailclusters are also grouped per tilelath.
Filter GenBeam Drills Filter Beam/Sheet/Sip/Clt tools of type AnalysedDrill.
Filter Round Sheet Openings Filter sheet openings that are a cirle.
GroupExtension Run a group of one or more export extension.
Integrate tools into Sheet Outline Perpendicular Beam/Cuts, Drills and FreeProfiles are integrated into the sheet outline and openings.
Join Plates Joins top and bottom plates of multiwalls.
Make Element Rectangular This will stretch beams to make the element rectangular.
MEP Tooling This will create the tooling for MEP items in the model.
Make Element Rectangular This will stretch beams to make the element rectangular.
Merge Overlapping Nail Lines Straight nail lines of which parts overlap are merged. Nail lines with different tool index or zone do not get merged.
Mirror Elements Mirror the elements in the model.
Notch Plates Stretch Beams that Intersect Top And Bottom Plates and add a Notch.
Offset nail lines per zone Offsets nail lines per zone by a certain distance to avoid nail conflicts.
Optimise Sheeting Optimise sheeting per element and create new sheets if necessary or remove them if they can reuse from another sheet..
Optimise Tilelaths Optimise tilelaths per element shape and create new same length tileLaths.
Optimize Nailline Spacing Will evenly space nails for the length of the line.
Pad Stick Frame Sheathing Overhangs Pads out with a stud and plates any sheahting overhang.
Pad Stick Frame Wall Pads out with studs a stick frame wall to a specified length.
Plate Split Splits plates
PlateIdentity Identifies Top and Bottom Plates.
Property Mapper Maps external Properties to Hsb Object Properties
Remove Beam Tools Removes the specified beam tools.
Remove beams and stretch studs Remove beams and stretch the touching studs by the thickness of the removed beam.
Remove Module Information Clears the module information from the beam.
Rename Modules Renames modules in a wall.
Rvt – Fix Stacked Openings POC.
Set Beam Size Convention Set the width to be the smallest of all the sizes from the beam.
Set Nail Tool Index Sets the tool index for nail lines on a specified zone. Specifying the from tool index as -1 will change all nail tool indexes on the specified zone.
Set Preferred Drill Direction Will change drill direction if not alligned with preffered enter dicetion.
Set Range Element Drills Element drills can be adjusted by the given range in element Y direction
Set Range Element Toollines Element tool lines (saw, mill, nail) can be adjusted by the given range in element Y direction
Set Sheet Stock Size This will increase the size of the sheet to the size specified.
SetSheetUcsConvension TAnalyse the view direction of sheet against the element Zone or if you used the TSL-Hsb_T-GrainDirection and set the Z direction accordingly.
Sheet Filter Allows sheets to be included or excluded from the project.
Sheet set vecX direction Set vecX direction of sheets aligned to an element zone.
Sheet Tolerance A small Extension to round the width and Length to a full given dimension based on a tolerance.
Shorten Beams that Intersect Plates Shorten Beams that Intersect Top And Bottom Plates From Element.
Shorten Horizontal Beam Vertical Cut For horizontal beams only. The vertical cuts are moved back the given distance.
Shorten Tagged Beam The AnalysedCuts are moved back the given distance from both ends of the beam.
Slice beam along axis Slice beams along its axis reducing its width to the given width, if the beam is tagged correctly, and if the width is a multiple of the specified width.
Tag Beam Groups Tags groups of beams. Criteria for a group of beams can be set in the settings.
Tag Entity by Format Lookup Will find an entity from a format lookup and tag the entity.
Tag GenBeams in Zones Tags GenBeams in a zone depending on their position in the zone according to zone profiles e.g. inside, outside
Tag Sheets with element tools Tags sheets that element tools are applied to.
Tag Value Containers Tag specific MapX as value container. This makes the content of the MapX available as Item Values.
Trim Header This will trim the Header to fit under the top plate.
Validation This will trim the Header to fit under the top plate.
Zone Filter TAllows sheeting zones to be filtered out.
plugin,plugins,Plugins in the Framing style editor
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