TSL | How to use the Hilti concrete and wood connectors
This document will explain how to use the different Hilti TSL's.
Hilti HCW and HCW L are two-piece connectors to be used in timber to timber connections as well as connections between a timber and a steel member or timber and concrete member.
Hilti HCW and HCW L has a diameter of 40 mm, is installed in pre-drilled holes of timber members (see Annex A). The dowel type fastener has one end with M12 to slide into the connector. The dowel type fastener is fixed from the clamping device, so the connections is immediately load bearing.
These TSL's are saved in your C:\Program Files\hsbCAD\<hsbcad20...>\Content\General\TSL
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Connecting a concrete floor with a timber wall
This TSL creates Hilti Stexon connections at floor elements.
The connections can be for the top Hilti-Decke-Top, connecting the floor with the top wall
or bottom Hilti-Decke-Bottom connecting the floor with the bottom wall.
TSL can be entered in 2 ways
1- By selecting a floor element and a wall element. In this case the TSL will collect the selected reference tools (HCW, HCWL, HSW) and insert the corresponding tooling
2- By importing dxx file where the wood couplers are located

This TSL creates Hilti Stexon couple (HCW or HCWL with HSW) connection between 2 beams.
One beam will receive the HCW or the HCWL connector and the other beam will receive the hanger bolt HSW.
The two beams can be parallel or crossing each other.
The TSL will calculate the common area between the two beams.
When the beams are parallel the TSL will support a distribution of the instances.
When the beams cross each other the TSL will insert a single instance at the intersection point of the beams.
If the beams are horizontal on top of each other the top beam will receive the HCWL connector and
the bottom beam wil receive the HSW hanger bolt.
The connectors can be flipped
A distribution TSL can also be dissolved and it will generate a single TSL instance for each connector.

This tsl creates a report with a number of Hilti instances used for each element (wall or floor)
User can select the TSL instances. TSL will only consider the following TSLs
HiltiDecke-Unten, HiltiDecke-Oben, Hilti-Verankerung, Hilti-Stockschraube
This TSL creates a Hilti stexon screw drill of type HSW.
It requires that the beam where it is inserted to contain the information Hilti
It supports the export of stexon data to the parent folder.

This TSL defines a Hilti stexon connection.
It can be inserted to the bottom or top plate of the element (walls)
TSL instances can be attached to a stud or not.
User can select between 2 predefined types HCW and HCWL and the type Custom
Two predefined types have predefined properties and conditions, like (drill diameter, min drill depth) or conditions that need to be fulfilled like (min space rom beam edge)
If the type Custom is selected, the user can freely define the drill diameter or depth

This TSL creates a plan of connectors in relation to a polyline.
The polyline can represent the Concrete floor plate where the House will be built on.
The TSL will create dimensions of the positions of the connectors.
User selects the TSLs that need be considered.
Only following TSL instances are considered : Hilti-Verankerung, Hilti-Stockschraube
The TSL instance will be assigned at the defined group in the property.
If the property is left blank the TSL will assign Hilti Verankerungsplan.
If the group does not exists, the TSL will create it.
Visibility of the plan can then be controlled via turning On/Off the group
This tsl creates a distribution of Hilti Wall anchors and requires the Hilti-Verankerung.
The TSL will insert a Hilti-Verankerung instances along the bottom plate of a SF Wall (Stickframe wall)
User defines the distribution parameters (start/end distance, distance between)
This TSL will insert the instances also considering the position of the studs.
Hilti-Verankerung instances will be attached to the corresponding studs.